3 Ways Tech Changed The Way We Travel
3 Ways Tech Changed The Way We Travel
A man walks into a small travel agency on the corner of a busy street. Charmed by the posters of various exotic destinations (and the smile of the girl behind the counter), he decides he needs a break from everyday life – he sits down, smiles back at the girl, and asks about what getaways he could book for his budget.
1. Booking online
It’s easier than ever to book anything from a city break to a weeklong vacation online. There are a variety of platforms to choose from, ranging from Booking.com that’s been around for more than two decades to new, disruptive, and innovative services centered on the new, smartphone-using generation.
2. A cornucopia of information
Wikipedia – just like the printed encyclopedias of the past – is a good place to start finding out the facts about the country, city, commune or village you are about to spend hours or days in. But thanks to the internet, you can dig way deeper into it – you can find out the impressions, opinions, and tips of others that have already been there and shared them with the world. What in the past was done by word of mouth is done today by a variety of online outlets old and new, ranging from Tripadvisor (founded in 2000) to a cornucopia of travel blogs telling stories about their authors’ adventures from all points of the compass.
3. Travel guides are going out of style
Thanks to the amazing variety of information and tips on what’s worth your time in which city, not to mention the cornucopia of online services meant to make your travel, lodging and dining a streamlined, easy to arrange experience, guided tours are slowly going out of style.
This is a change brought forth by modern technology, and we have to admit it – it’s for the better.