Round the World Magazine

6 Hacks For Your Cross Country Move

You may have to move to a new country due to educational purposes, to enjoy a vacation or to follow a career. Regardless of the reason, a cross country move can be a perturbed and even maddening period in your life. But you don’t need to worry anymore as we have come up with six hacks to simplify this moving process for you.

cross country move

1. Organization is key

Being well-organized is going to help you a lot when switching to a new country. To serve this purpose, list down all the essentials you require prior to moving. Otherwise, you can take help from the various relevant online apps available for staying organized. It will keep you mindful about every little thing you require e.g., changing your address, transfer utilities etc.

2. Know the basics of the native language

Familiarization with the basics of the native language is essential with regard to your cross country move. It will enable you to talk to new people and settle in with more comfort.  Not only the writing part matters but you should also learn to speak in that particular language. You can take classes, watch online tutorials or take help from relevant apps to get acquainted with the new language. Do you know there are a lot of free language learning apps to ease the process of language acquisition? For instance, in case of learning Spanish language, there are many useful online apps available that will improve your Spanish pronunciation.


3. Only take what you need

You don’t need to carry unnecessary items or trash with you. Leave those term papers from high school behind, you won’t need them in the future. Do you really need to take 3 suitcases or can you condense into 2? If you forget anything, you can always get it when you relocate. The less you take the easier the move will be.

4. Use pillow cases and clean socks as packaging material

Buying packaging materials can burn a hole in your pocket, but you don’t actually need to buy them as you can take advantage of some already available resources. For example, you can pack some items in pillow covers and clean socks to maximize their protection. It is undoubtedly cost-saving and a thrifty approach.


5. Keep A Tool Box with You

Keep a tool box with you and make sure it’s easily accessible during your cross country move. This will make reassembling furniture a breeze and stress free. You want to make sure all fixtures and fittings in your new home work as they should.

6. Consolidation Is Helpful

Consolidating items while you move from one country to the other can be profitable and even pocket-friendly for you.  So, it’s very sensible to donate or sell some unused or old objects prior to your move. To serve this purpose, you can donate your old or unwanted clothes, non-perishable as well as canned items.  Or else, you can sell unrequired items in the online marketplace such as eBay. This will mean less luggage to carry and more money in your pocket, win-win!

Tell us your tips for making a cross country move in the comments below.

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About the Author:

Lara Smith has worked for Wall Street English for 20 years. After studying at Stanford University and subsequently doing a CELTA course, she began her career in teaching. She is obsessed with languages and currently writes blogs at

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