Round the World Magazine

Sacred Tarot Reading

Guest writer Nicole Fontaine, a sacred tarot reader from Manitoba in Canada, discusses her journey with tarot reading, how it helped her heal and how it lead her to find her higher self…..

How Did Tarot Help You?

Tarot helped me through dark times and ultimately guided me to my current state of happiness and with the help of Tarot I experience bliss, maybe not all day, every day, but I now take time to be aware of my connection to my higher power and I give credit to Tarot and the power of positive thought combined, to have guided me to such a magical state of being.

Do You Know Anything About The History Of Tarot?

The history of Tarot is quite fascinating! However, there is no concrete evidence about where Tarot actually began. Some say that Tarot cards were brought to the West by Islamic soldiers way earlier than the 15th century. However, on record, Tarot was used in Europe, predominantly in Italy and France, as playing cards before they became divination tools. It was not until the late 18th century that Tarot was used to make predictions and it was really only wealthy families that enjoyed dabbling in the occult as a pastime.

Fast-forward to 2000, the turn of the 21st century, I was 15 years old and was gifted my very first Tarot Deck. On a side note, there have been claims that you need to be gifted your Tarot Deck in order for them to work properly, even though I have been gifted most of my decks, I really don’t believe this. I have also learned through my findings that Tarot Readers are unique individuals who may do things differently from one energy worker to the next, but there is a certain set of rules or criteria that we follow in our practice. However, each reader you encounter will be unique in there reading style.

What Was It That Changed Your Path In Life?

In 2000, I had a traumatic brain injury from a bad car accident that I endured which kick-started my passion and love for the occult and most specifically reading Tarot. It is said that through Trauma we can experience a spiritual awakening. I have a video dedicated to this on my YouTube Channel explaining the different stages of a spiritual awaking that I identify with.

Tell Us About Your Journey With Tarot

It took me a long time to gain confidence in reading Tarot professionally; it wasn’t until I went on a career path in the funeral home industry to realize how connected to energies and aware of my own psychic senses I had become. I quit the job and dropped out of the schooling and started the farmers market a month later and began my journey as a professional Tarot Card reader. My life changed, I did so much healing in that year and became stronger and stronger every day because I was so connected with who I really was. My partner (fiancé) who doesn’t believe in the occult is deeply supportive, all it took was to believe in myself and my abilities.

Over the years I have done small fundraisers, and do readings for my friends. In 2018, I gained enough confidence to start reading for the public, this was a tremendously rewarding experience and I have not looked back. There are challenges; some readings are harder than others. Some people have come to me so blocked and barley anything comes through or they put up a wall in the beginning of the reading. We develop impressions very fast as humans and being able to crack open people that have already formed an opinion of you can be a challenge. On one occasion, I had to walk away from a reading and told them to come back on a different day and I would never charge someone if they were not satisfied, this is a service I provide.

I have been complimented many times, and I am so grateful for feedback. I have been told that my delivery is kind and I am good at communicating what kind of energy is coming through from the cards. I give credit to the fact I have been working in restaurants since I picked up my first Tarot Deck as to why my communication skills have developed. Through the work I do today, I have seen the readings bring so much guidance to the lives of people. I wouldn’t trade this line of work in for anything else. I have finally found and nurtured my true calling.

One thing I have also come to realize with this line of work, is there is so much room to grow and evolve; I will never stop finding ways to become a better reader, a better person and to understand the magic that can be created from a reading!

Nicole is available for personal tarot readings, contact her via email ( and check out her youtube channel.
Sacred Tarot by Nicole is a channel dedicated to having conversations about energy work, spirituality, metaphysical healing and manifestation. She uses divination tools such as Tarot cards, Crystals and Astrology.

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