Round the World Magazine

The Ten Bodies of Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga is an ancient meditative practice originating from a subcontinent of India called Punjab. According to this lineage of energetic studies, there are 10 bodies worth “tuning into,” or giving our focus attention.

10 bodies of kundalini yoga
Image Credit: Pixabay

These include the material form, our physical bodies, as well as nine others that are intangible.
Although they can’t be seen, the modern medical practices of counseling, or talk therapy, assert the presence of at least the mental bodies in our lives.

The three mental bodies are organized as the “positive” mental body, the “neutral” mental body, and the “negative” mental body.

Naturally, the other six bodies will also be “invisible” to the naked eye. Still, the evidence for non-visible energetic realities that correspond with our physical reality can be found in the multitude of methods that examine them, both metaphysically and even in medical practice.

For example, some might prefer a detailed approach to observing physical energy (as seen in the electrical currents created by blood flow, or by the heat generated through digestion) by studying the meridian system used in Traditional Chinese Medicine throughout centuries.

Others might simply consider that electromagnetic field to be visually represented as the aura, which we can train our optic nerves to observe more readily.

While the yogic Kundalini tradition uses terminology like “Soul” and “Third Eye” – these are like nicknames for their more dry, medical counterparts, both in Western and Eastern practices like psychology or acupuncture.

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Can this perspective of the ancient masters of Kundalini Yoga support a more intimate experience of your own self, in your own life?

Will recognizing these fractal aspects of our whole selves leads to a more harmonious experience, both individually and for the collective?

Find out what all ten bodies are, and let us know what you think in the comments!


The most obvious and visible is the physical body, which includes all our organs, limbs, and various systems like the respiratory, the circulatory, digestive and nervous systems that keep the vehicle alive!


Coinciding with the Negative and Neutral Mental Bodies, depending on which is dominant in a given moment, the Positive Mental Body is best cultivated through the use of positive affirmations!


The Neutral Mental Body is best experienced through deep meditation – although the intuitive Self is accessed in this way, it can be strengthened and drawn upon even outside of meditative practice itself!


The Negative Mental Body is not inherently “bad,” despite our cultural associations with the term “negative.” But like batteries and magnets have polarized sides, there’s simply another end of the spectrum for the Mental Body.

The Negative Mental Body can be thought of as any contracting, containing force that allows us to experience discernment and difference, just like the left hemisphere of our minds organizes and labels, while the right hemisphere is more expansive and sensing.


The Arcline is often depicted in ancient or spiritual art as a “halo.” It is associated with the sensitivity and high vibrations of a decalcified pituitary gland. For bodies with breasts and mammary glands, the Arcline is said to include a similar “halo” emanating from the chest.


The Auric Body is almost synonymous with an Arcline for the entire physical body. At its highest performance, the previously named bodies are balanced, and it is practically a psychic shield. That is, the psyche—our psychology—is stable without too many unchecked, deeply rooted issues.


“Prana” is the yogic term that refers to life-force energy, similar but different from the fiery “Chi” used in martial arts or Chinese medicine, as it is more exclusively related to the breath. While both coexist, the Pranic Body itself expands past the Auric Body, as it is even more subtle in terms of density.But ,(tadalafil) is just the opposite – and the nose is blocking, and the pressure jumps.


Most subtle is the Subtle Body. Its mastery suggests a constant calmness while anchored in the often-chaotic reality of the physical realms. Like a cocoon of sorts, it expands into a finer expression of the body’s vibrations, past the Auric and Pranic Bodies as well. In this yogic tradition, it constitutes its own body, or aspect of Self, worthy of focused attention.


Physically speaking, the Soul Body is best identified as existing around the human heart. It is through this body that one might experience the divine, whether they choose to organize this phenomenal experience (say, through the functions of a balanced Negative Mental Body) as existing within themselves, or somewhere external.


The final Body according to this method would be the Radiant Body, or what mindfulness practitioners would call a magnetic “presence.” A grounded and complete presence of the multi-dimensional self is visible through the Radiant Body, whose mastery is demonstrated through courage and a commitment to one’s own path.

There you have it! The Ten Bodies were organized as such by the ancient masters so that specific breathwork meditations and physical postures (called “kriyas”) could be easily described and their effects observable.

Image Credit: Pixabay

If this method isn’t your style, consider that a lesser-known “Elevent Embodiment” essentially combines the awareness of all the bodies simultaneously, by defining a state of non-duality and creating an expansive space within which one can identify with one’s truth and imagine a sense of Infinity.

There are specific images, crystals and stones, mantras, kriyas, and more associated with each body. This creates a network of knowledge that was formerly only passed from teacher to student, in private, for a select few.
Now is the era on the cosmic calendar where such traditional boundaries serve no purpose.

Hopefully, this transmission reaches you well! Until next time.

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